Any drug that acts as the main efficacy in preventing internal or external bleeding is called hemostatic. Hemostatic drugs for different purposes, and the effect is not the same, there are oral, but also for external use.

The commonly used hemostatic drugs can be divided into three kinds according to their mechanism of action:


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Pepper, also known as "big pepper", "hemp pepper", is Sichuan and other areas commonly used in cooking seasonings. Pepper can remove meat smell; promote saliva secretion, increase appetite; expand blood vessel, and thus play a role in lowering blood pressure. The general population can eat, pregnant women, Yin Huo Wang diet.

Chinese medicine believes that pepper warm, spicy, cold temperature, dampness, pain, stomach insecticide detoxification Qi, remove fishy antipruritic effect; [6] can be used to treat indigestion, stop drinking, hiccups, vomiting, cold dampness arthralgia, abdominal cold pain, diarrhea, dysentery, Ascaris, pruritus vulvae other diseases.


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Drunk driving check strict, we all know, and now, no matter what the occasion, everyone will naturally say, to drive without drinking, drink, do not drive.

But at the end of the year, friends and relatives gather together and inevitably drink a few drinks. Drunk driving is very dangerous, so how much wine do you drink to the standard? How long will it take to have a beer after a bottle of beer? Do you understand all this? Now, let's have a look.


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Longan is what, longan, also known as longan. I usually have time to longan + jujube + wolfberry + Codonopsis mixed together, boil water, blood, especially good, most suitable for female anemia, eat and drink. This method of enriching blood was learned by a friend of mine. But what is the effect and function of longan? Here's the women's health network for you:

Longan (longan) role:


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As the saying goes, "what to eat and what to make up for?". But do you know what kind of food nutrition is needed for the brain, heart, lungs, hair and so on? Now provide you with a full body "food map", and tell you the recipe from head to toe, to make you eat beautifully and eat healthily.

Hair care: Kelp


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What is earthy tuckahoe, what is the effect of earthy tuckahoe and action? How should eat? Soil tuckahoe is a kind of Chinese herbal medicine. Poria cocos, sex, Gan Danping, heart, lung, spleen meridian. It has the effect of clearing dampness and invigorating water, strengthening the spleen and stomach, and tranquilizing the mind. Commonly used heat pouring muddy, vaginal discharge, carbuncle, scrofula, scabies, syphilis and mercury poisoning caused by limb spasm, muscle spasm pain, scrofula, sores.

In addition, also can treat dysuria, edema, fullness, vomiting, cough phlegm, vomiting, diarrhea, spermatorrhea, drench turbidity, palpitation, forgetfulness and other symptoms. The water of Poria cocos is achieved through the function of invigorating the spleen and lung, which is different from other traditional Chinese medicine which directly uses water. Ling Gui Gan Decoction, Four Gentlemen Decoction and four Ling soup are all common prescriptions for Poria cocos compatibility.

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The belly bulge is going on? How do stomach flatulence asks: I recently belly bulge, don't eat too much, is the It is without rhyme or reason. but also a little swelling, pain, want to consult experts, belly bulge is how ah, what is the cause? The cause of stomach distension more, much may be associated with gynecological diseases, the most common cause of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease...... The following this article details about how it is bulging belly.

According to the "little stomach swelling is going on", please expert detailed answers:


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As soon as winter arrives, the temperature drops. Compared to autumn, winter fog and haze weather also increased the probability of obvious, which caused a lot of burden on our lungs. If you can eat the maintenance of visceral food at this time, will effectively reduce the haze of human injury.

The winter of health porridge, not only to the stomach, but also to the lung, spleen, maintenance of body from the inside out. What kind of porridge should we eat in winter? Next, follow the footsteps of Xiao Bian, a detailed understanding of it.


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The female physiological period, there is blood and weakness, fatigue, plus the usual life in environmental pressure, busy with work, emotional stress, and often stay up late, lack of sleep, more easily in the period when report produced by pain, menstrual disorder problems. To improve menstrual disorders, can eat angelica and Astragalus Boiled Egg help, Qi and blood, Qi and blood deficiency for women.

Menstrual disorders? Endocrine disorders as the main reason


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Beauty regimen in spring health beauty soup:

Dragon lotus egg soup: longan meat 15 grams, lotus seed meat 50 grams, egg 2, ginger 1, jujube 4, salt a little. The egg and steam cooked, peeled, rinse with water; longan pulp, lotus meat, ginger and jujube were washed with clean water; lotus meat to the heart, retain the red brown lotus clothing; ginger peeled, cut two pieces of jujube to go nuclear. The amount of water into the cooker, first Wuhuo boil to boiling water, then add the above raw materials, and then switch to simmer for 2 hours or so, add a little salt to eat dinner.


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