
As the saying goes, "what to eat and what to make up for?". But do you know what kind of food nutrition is needed for the brain, heart, lungs, hair and so on? Now provide you with a full body "food map", and tell you the recipe from head to toe, to make you eat beautifully and eat healthily.

Hair care: Kelp

When it comes to hair care foods, you probably know a lot, such as black sesame that makes hair black, ginger that makes hair grow, or walnuts that make hair shiny. But do you know who is the all-around champion of the food conditioner? It is kelp, nutrition experts believe that often eating kelp can not only supplement the body's iodine elements, but also for the growth of hair, moisture, glossy and also have a special effect.

Lung protection: Tomato

A new study in Britain has found that eating more than 3 tomatoes a week can prevent respiratory illnesses and protect the lungs from bacterial infections. Lycopene content, however, is inversely proportional to the soluble sugar content in tomatoes, i.e., the more non - sweet tomatoes, the higher the lycopene content.

Shin: Banana

Potassium rich bananas are among the best in the list of "good legs". They are rich in potassium, which helps you stretch your legs and prevent leg cramps. Ranked second of "leg master" is celery, it has a large number of glial calcium carbonate, easily absorbed by the body, can supplement the calcium needed for legs, but also prevent lower body edema.

Brain nurse: spinach

The "reduced food", which has carotenoids and superoxide dismutase, prevents brain lesions and protects the brain. Which foods are "reduced food"? Experts believe that spinach bears the brunt. Followed by the leek, onion, peas, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, beans, garlic leaf vegetables, walnuts, peanuts, pistachios, cashews, almonds and other nuts, Cereals, and brown Steamed Rice, liver soup and so worthy of your brain when choosing.

Eye care: Sweet Potato

Vitamin A is known as "eye small guards", if the body lacks it, eyes feel weak light capacity will be reduced, ability to adapt to the dark will be diminished, serious when susceptible to night blindness. Vitamin A is produced by the conversion of carotene. In addition to carrots, sweet potato is also rich in carotene, can provide a rich vitamin A, can promote vision, and often eat sweet potatoes, good for the skin.

    New diet food safety

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