Pepper, also known as "big pepper", "hemp pepper", is Sichuan and other areas commonly used in cooking seasonings. Pepper can remove meat smell; promote saliva secretion, increase appetite; expand blood vessel, and thus play a role in lowering blood pressure. The general population can eat, pregnant women, Yin Huo Wang diet.

Chinese medicine believes that pepper warm, spicy, cold temperature, dampness, pain, stomach insecticide detoxification Qi, remove fishy antipruritic effect; [6] can be used to treat indigestion, stop drinking, hiccups, vomiting, cold dampness arthralgia, abdominal cold pain, diarrhea, dysentery, Ascaris, pruritus vulvae other diseases.

Pepper not only edible, has certain health care effect, and external use also has certain curative effect. Pepper in the medicine belongs to remove cold drugs, it can dispel the cold, and help the Yang Qi, Li Qi water. In addition there is pepper sterilization, relieving pain, relieving itching, eliminating midship etc..

The efficacy and role of pepper feet

Pepper in the medicine belongs to remove cold drugs, it can dispel the cold, and help the Yang Qi, Li Qi water. In addition there is pepper sterilization, relieving pain, relieving itching, eliminating midship etc..

Pepper soaking effect: in some places above "disease treatment, feet can promote blood circulation, enhance the barrier function of the respiratory system, so it can help alleviate the symptoms of cough, reduce colds; feet, can make blood from go down, so the blood pressure is easy and smooth; to promote better sleep with pepper water foot bath with hot feet than. Love child cough, high blood pressure in elderly people, adhere to the feet have some benefits.

Pepper water soaking method

Now we are advocate feet so regimen Oh, this regimen is more healthy. One is the feet of water with pepper, can promote blood circulation, enhance the barrier function of the respiratory system, can help alleviate the symptoms of cough, reduce colds; feet, blood from the top down, blood pressure naturally smooth. Then, what is the concrete method?

Practice of pepper water soaking, mainly is to use a cotton bag pepper 50 grams, fastened with a rope, add water to boil, with feet to the water. If the cold can be used with shallot + ginger onion + tangerine peel boiled water to drink. Wind cold with white radish skin + pear skin boiled water to drink.

Dosage: Pepper 50 grams. Decoct time: use the Chinese prickly ash to decoct soup 40 minutes. Quantity: soup poured into the footbath to diffuse through the ankle, so better! Soaking time: if suitable temperature can soak for a while, preferably not less than 20 minutes! (if the soup is cold, you can leave in advance some of the heat, while washing water heating!

Note pepper water soaking

Pepper feet of water although simple and good curative effect, but also have certain precautions we need to pay attention to.

1 feet of water, pepper for a long time continuously, feel the original symptoms disappeared, should be stopped for several days, such as lack of symptoms when, or it may appear in ancient Chinese medicine said "exhaust gas" and "fire from water" phenomenon. In this regard, from my experience: the excessive use of pepper water to soak the foot, is the main cause of "lung fire", and "excessive fire consuming Qi", so in addition, Qi, phlegm, cough, runny nose also appeared colds and other respiratory problems also prove this point.

2, yin deficiency symptoms, feet of water with pepper in the process, should pay attention to timely Yin, especially in winter. Because the pepper water to soak the foot through the waterway, dispelling cold, digestion and other effects, and sweating phenomenon and in the process, so the same as some other Yang drugs "dry" feeling, especially for yin deficiency symptoms, according to Yin pepper feet of water, otherwise it will aggravate the symptoms of Yin deficiency.

From my personal experience, because the regular sports activities, such as sweating, do not pay attention to nourishing Yin, yin deficiency often appear symptoms, coupled with pepper water to soak the foot, so I often consciously Yin, such as yam with boiled water to drink boiled water to drink boiled water to drink with lotus root, pear, or eat some fruit, replenish moisture. Note: for many middle-aged and elderly people, the effect of drinking white water alone is not ideal, especially for people with Yin deficiency.

3, some people, especially people with cold constitution, pepper water soaking effect is very good, but in the beginning several feet of water with pepper when there is Pai disease reaction (please refer to the "Bo pepper bubble foot row disease records" Yi Wen), symptoms similar to the flu, this is normal the reaction, is a manifestation of the disease from the body, do not stop, to examine what reasons, or for professional advice, if it is a normal line disease reaction, usually second days up to third days.

4, because of the absorption effect of the drug soaking is obvious, I think the pepper water should not be repeated use too many times, prevent the corruption of the pepper water have an adverse effect on the body, if you want to save, suggest up to two to three times, but then put boiling heating to proper temperature and cool.

5, soaking time not too long, generally just sweat, it is best not to sweat. For the beginning of their feet, or a cold body of people, may be initially for a period of time not sweat, it is cold in the performance, may be appropriate to increase the dosage and frequency, until the perspiration.

6, the water temperature can not be too low, slightly feel a little hot, to constant temperature;

7, soaking time, if health care, at nine pm or so is appropriate, if some people treat the suggestions in the morning, I think it can be flexible, when necessary, can be two times a day;

8, the best foot at the same time, along with the hand with the bubble, or massage the foot by hand, so better.

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