
According to the "Health Daily" reported that the Chinese Cuisine Association food nutrition experts warned that if you want to eat pork ribs soup to achieve fitness role of calcium, it should be less or no salt.

Calcium and sodium are more likely to compete in the reabsorption of calcium in the renal tubules. When the intake of sodium is high, the body will decrease its absorption of calcium and increase urinary calcium excretion. The study found that the more salt intake, the more calcium excreted in the urine, the lower the absorption of calcium. It can be said that the high sodium diet is an important killer of calcium supplementation.

Therefore, people should pay attention to low salt diet when eating calcium, and eat less or not to eat too much sodium in the process of processing and preparation, such as preserved meat or smoked food, pickles, salty snacks, etc.. Drink milk and eat calcium preferably about 2 hours away from dinner time, reduce the direct confrontation of sodium and calcium. Want to drink spareribs soup to calcium, and when the spareribs soup, it should be less salt, not even salt.


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