
After pregnancy, there are some mothers who can not sleep now, how to help pregnant women sleep? An experienced mother told about a healthy diet for insomnia when she was pregnant, and the effect was especially good, so today she will share it with all her moms.

Healthy diet for pregnant women: lettuce, fried pork slices

Ingredients: 300 grams of lettuce, 150 grams of lean pork

Seasoning: soy sauce, cooking wine, vinegar, a little salt, egg white, starch, water, chicken, onion, ginger the right amount


1., the lettuce peeled, wash clean, cut into thin slices; lean pork washed, sliced, boiled in a bowl, add salt, soy sauce, cooking wine and egg white, stirring, and then add appropriate starch grasping evenly sizing.

2. pot oil till the 80% heat, saute scallion and ginger, add lean pork and stir fry.

3. then add lettuce, cooking wine, soy sauce, vinegar, salt and chicken stir fry, almost cooked, add a little water starch thicken, stir evenly pot.

Recommended reasons:

High potassium content of lettuce, promoting urination, it also contains iodine, has a calming effect, often eat helps relieve tension, help sleep, rich fluorine in lettuce can promote the growth of teeth and bones; pork for the human body to provide high quality protein and essential fatty acids, heme is Buzhongyiqi, body fluid, moistening intestines and stomach, body, skin and other effects of Feng ze. In the late pregnancy, expectant mother near childbirth, there will be tension and sleep situation, lettuce and pig lean meat with food, help to eliminate tension, help sleep, but also in addition to Qi, nourishing blood.


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